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Community Service & Outreach

Community Service and Outreach is an integral part of Lutheran Church of the Palms core values and mission. It is the way we live out our faith in daily life. We strive to follow the example of humble service in Jesus Christ. From 5th Sunday loose change offerings that go to support local community service organizations and ministries to our annual Give Away day where anyone can come and get what they need, to quilts that provide warmth and shelter for many around the world, collecting and packing lunches for our community neighbors in need, backpacks and school supplies for our community children in need, collections for Lutheran World Relief, World Hunger and disasters in other countries, we are constantly working to spread God's Love to meet the ever-increasing needs of people near and far.  Check out our outreach and social ministry programs and get involved!   Generosity is a hallmark of our congregational community. Generosity that includes ,time, talents, physical labor and financial donations. You will be able to find many ways to contribute.

Here is just a partial list of our many service projects and outreach ministries.  There is a place for you to pitch in and make a difference. All donations of help are graciously and joyously welcomed.

  • Annual Give Away Day for our Community

  • VA Collections

  • Diaper & formula drives

  • Can Tab Collections

  • Paper Good Drives

  • Lunch Bag Ministry

  • Directions for Living

  • Backpack Ministry

  • Habitat for Humanity

  • Disaster Relief Collections for Hurricane and other natural disaster victims

  • Food Drives for FEAST

  • Angel Giving Tree

  • Lutheran World Relief (National and International Assistance)

  • Rez House

  • Leading Chapel or reading to Barlow Little Palms Pre-Schoolers

  • Sewing Group (Quilts and other requested donations ie. Baby kits)

  • With Love to Haiti

  • Lutheran Services of Florida

Our Lunchbag ministry in motion

Several years ago, LCOP had a paper drive for others, and we “built a paper wall.” Someone requested we do that again, so during February we will be collecting paper towels, toilet paper, paper napkins, and tissues and building up a "wall of paper"  in the sanctuary.  The products in our "Wall of Paper" will be shared with LCOP, Rez House, Hep (Homeless Empowerment Program) and other agencies. Here's an easy way to get involved and help out our own congregation, our ministry partners and our community. Watch for more additional details as we get closer to February! 

God's Work Our Hands 2024

We had another strong turnout for the 2024 God's Work Our Hands Project. We wrote thank you cards to the many wonderful foster parents who take care of children in need through Lutheran Social Services of Florida.  Paul Jensen took pictures of our hands forming a heart to use as the cover for our thank you cards. We also provided coffee and breakfast items for a volunteer breakfast taking time to honor their volunteers.  A big thank you to all who participated in this year's event. 

Gods Work our hands 2024

Lutheran Church of the Palms

2250 Nebraska Avenue

Palm Harbor, FL 34683

Telephone: 727-784-4119


Reconciling Works
ELCA Congregation

Member Congregation of the ELCA

Gifted by God we give back with Thanksgiving and Gratitude

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