Lutheran Church of the Palms
Super Souper Bowl Sunday
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Let's make the super bowl even more super by celebrating the big game by sharing SOUP with our neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity. We can make a big difference in the lives of many children and families who continue to struggle to make ends meet. We will be collecting cans of soup on Sunday, February 9th for FEAST.
We will have collection baskets near the entrance doors of the Fellowship Hall; just drop your soup donations in the basket labeled for the team you are cheering for. The basket with the most donations will be LCOP’s official prediction of the 2025 Super Bowl champion. In addition to our special food drives for FEAST, your faithful donations all year demonstrate wonderful community outreach and are very much appreciated by the good folks who volunteer at FEAST and those who benefit from it. Here's an easy way to reach out to others, make an impact on our neighborhood and have fun at the same time! Make your vote count.The more cans, the better the chances for your team to be LCOP's official team of choice.
Building a Wall of Paper
Did you enjoy playing with building blocks ort legos? When was the last time YOU built something in the sanctuary? We thought it would be fun to bring back an old idea suggested by one of our members. We are going to build a paper wall!!! We want to help some folks in need by giving them paper products and help our own congregation as well. Some of the products will remain here for use within our LCOP walls and the rest will given away to others in need of paper products for various services and ministries. THE CHALLENGE IS ON! We are going to build a wall in the sanctuary out of paper using the following items as our building "blocks":
Please bring in these items on Feb 16th , Feb 23rd and March 2nd

Women's Breakfast

Mark Your Calendars so you don't miss out on the LCOP Women’s Breakfast March 29, 9:00 am Please plan to join us for fellowship, food and fun at our next Women’s Breakfast. Watch your March newsletter and eBlasts for more details.